Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Critters

Riley - Our border collie

Gigi - Our cat

Gigi & Riley


  1. Such nice looking pets, Linda. I especially like the one in the snow and the one with both of them.

  2. Oh, Linda, they are both lovely! And Riley loves the snow, doesn't she??!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love the pics, Linda. Riley and Gigi are adorable!

  4. Beautiful pets! I love Border Collies, they are so intelligent and clever:)

  5. Thanks for your comments!! Riley does love the snow. He's like a puppy every time he goes out in the fresh snow!!

  6. Awww, I LOVE Riley! So cool that you have a Border Collie also. Did you get him as a pup? Mine have always been rescues...I wish I had more room and energy to adopt more!

  7. Hey, Linda. I tried to email, but for some reason my computer won't show me your email address. If you go to my profile, it should have my email address if you would like to email me yours. LOL! Does that make sense?

    Oh, and I had problems with the restricted comment thingy also. What you need to do log out of your google acct., then log back in, but make sure to uncheck the stayed signed in box. Then you should be able to post comments. I don't know why, but that's what it said when I went to the help page.
