Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rhododendrons for JudyE to see!!

Part of the hedge that was in front.  Everywhere you go in this area in June, you see these in bloom.

Not quite fully open.

A white one fully open. (Holly bush is invading it somewhat!)

A bush on the other side of the driveway in full bloom in June.
You can see the rhodies in bloom on the left, but I don't like them as a hedge!!  They have a new home now near the barn!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Some Fledglings in the Yard Today!

Cutting the grass today, Dennis almost ran over this little guy!

And then there were two!

And another!!  This one was the bigger of the three and scooting across the yard at a faster pace!

They all stopped by the maple tree for a rest and to regroup!  They couldn't fly yet, but hopped across the yard.

And MOM was watching all along!!  What a beautiful Cedar Waxwing!  Had a clutch in our yard!!

Zoom in and check out the berry in her mouth and all over her!!
This was so fun to watch!
The parents communicating with the fledglings was really amazing to listen to and watch!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Morning Bear Visit - 8/29/12

A close up of our visitor!

How do you get into this darn thing??

Just lying there trying to get some bird seed out of the squirrel feeder!

Dennis threw a rock at him to try and get him to leave....

Okay, okay, I'm going......  Geeze!

Look at that shiny coat!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mama Bear & Cubs

Our friend sent this picture to us today.  Those are some cute cubbies!!  This is on his property!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spring Birds

1st Rose-breasted Grossbeak of the Spring!!

Checking out the Surroundings!  Is this where we were last year??

And the Mrs. arrives a few days later...

Now to test out the food!

Just a few goldfinches!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Goodies for Everyone and Raffle Items I won at Dinner on 4/21/2012

I also won a beautiful basket Lori designed and made for the Raffle.  Pictures of it are on Lori's Blog.  It has fabric resembling the colors of our eagles as well as items from outdoors to resemble nest material.  It is really neat.  Since TORI is very creative herself and showed an interest in how it was made, I gave it to her.  Maybe she will bring one of her designs next year!!

These pictures start with some items we all received!

Something we all received!!  A compilation of recipes lovingly prepared for us by CarolAnne,
Button Pins - NCTC April 2012 - We are Family  prepared by DanaMo,
Photo Strips prepared and sent in by JudyE,   an eagle head charm (right bottom corner),
a postcard of ♥ Liberty ♥ and Belle and an Eagle Bookmark.
Thank you all for your contributions!

♥ From Lynn (Hedgie) for those Newbies who had not received this friendship plaque! ♥

 ♥An Eagle Bandana for our Momsters and Dadsters from WVSusan!! ♥

 Note Cards from Photos of the Nest from Lori.  One was a Door Prize and the other was included in the gift bag below!

A Raffle Prize I won!  Wish me luck on putting this together!!!

Another Raffle Item I won.....donated by Lori filled with wonderful things!!
A beautiful bird fabric bag, bird print linen tea towels, 2 nests with egg soaps,
Beachwalk Yankee Candle, a darling bird emblem necklace and a finders key purse
to clip to your purse so you don't lose your keys!!
♥ All so thoughtful!! ♥

An amazing Photography Book by Bob Quinn.  Another surprise win!! 

A beautiful Eagle Sculpture........my final winning raffle item!!  It's a beauty!

The back side of this sculpture is just as beautiful.  Maybe I should put it on a revolving pedestal!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Eaglet Momster/Dadster Dinner Gathering Prayer - 4/21/2012

Eaglet Momster/Dadster Dinner                                                        Saturday, April, 21, 2012

Dearest Heavenly Father,                                          

We come here tonight from many different places to celebrate the friendships we share, both new and old as well as the love of one of the most amazing creatures you gave us to enjoy. 

We are constantly in awe of the Bald Eagle and the way it provides for and raises its young.   The love of the Bald Eagle brought us together, yet we have stayed and are ever so thankful for the friendships we share because of this common interest.
We have so many things to thank you for tonight, but to name a few:

We deeply thank you for Tori! … For her amazing journey over the past several months where we have been blessed to experience her miraculous healing.  Thank you for Your answers to fervent prayer, step by step, and for the life of this beautiful young lady.  I firmly believe you have a plan for Tori’s life and that is why she is here with us today!  May she be a light that shines into darkness all the days of her life.

We are so grateful for Lynn and that she is here with us tonight.  She is such a pillar in this group, Lord; helping, praying and supporting each one of us.  We lift her up to you, Father, and ask your special blessings on Lynn as she once again battles this awful disease of cancer.  May Your Hands heal her body, give her peace and comfort, for we know you are called Jehovah Rapha – the God who Heals!

We are missing so many from our wonderful group that cannot be with us tonight.  We ask that you touch their hearts in a very special way tonight,  so they know we have them with us in spirit.  For we feel you hand crafted this group to love one another, support one another, laugh with and enjoy one another and to lift each other up in difficult times.

We thank you all those who put this gathering together for us.  Their hard work and dedication is so appreciated. 

We ask for your blessing on this meal we are about to share with one another.  Bless the food we are about to partake, the conversations, the sharing, the friendships and our time together. 

Nothing happens in this life without Your Hand in it, and I truly believe You have joined each one of together for Your greater purpose. 

We honor and praise your Holy Name!

In the Name of Jesus, the Strong Son of God,

Momster Dinner - April 21, 2012 (Click on Pics for larger size)

Getting ready....Susan, Mattie, Wanda.

 ♥ TORI ♥......  With teary eyed Mom (Robyn) behind her talking to Shirley.  Ted (Grandfather) across from Tori.

Mattie, Megan & Bev at table.  Wanda and Jo to the right.

Our own Morning gLORI and Beautiful Susan!!

What a special treat to meet Jewels (Carolyn) with her Mom and our dearly loved Lynn ♥ (Hedgie)

Paula eagleholic & Eagle-Eyed Sissy (Bev) waiting for their number to be called.....

Paula taking a picture...............thought I'd take one of her!!

Captain Gene, Lovely Wanda (Costume Lady) and Carolyn (Jewels).

Susan in her COOL Eagle Shades.......

Lori styling in her eagle shades, too!!

Wanda won the Beatuiful Surprise Box....... $100 Bill...........Or was that Gene's number???

A special gift for our Moderator and Friend, Paula for her "Paradise" on the beach!

What a special treat to meet Tori face to face!  She is God's miracle breathing freely on her own for the first time in many years!!
It was such a pleasure to have Tori with us tonight to celebrate!  Thanks for taking a picture with me, Linda!!

Judie & Shirley (stronghunter)

And an extra special hug from an extra special lady and friend.  Love you, Lynn!! ♥

Dinner and Raffle at the Clarion in Shepherdstown.  What a wonderful time we had!!