Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rhododendrons for JudyE to see!!

Part of the hedge that was in front.  Everywhere you go in this area in June, you see these in bloom.

Not quite fully open.

A white one fully open. (Holly bush is invading it somewhat!)

A bush on the other side of the driveway in full bloom in June.
You can see the rhodies in bloom on the left, but I don't like them as a hedge!!  They have a new home now near the barn!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Some Fledglings in the Yard Today!

Cutting the grass today, Dennis almost ran over this little guy!

And then there were two!

And another!!  This one was the bigger of the three and scooting across the yard at a faster pace!

They all stopped by the maple tree for a rest and to regroup!  They couldn't fly yet, but hopped across the yard.

And MOM was watching all along!!  What a beautiful Cedar Waxwing!  Had a clutch in our yard!!

Zoom in and check out the berry in her mouth and all over her!!
This was so fun to watch!
The parents communicating with the fledglings was really amazing to listen to and watch!